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Winter Tonic Cordial Recipe

Nov 09, 2017
Fat and the Moon
Winter Tonic Cordial Recipe

Thanks to all who tuned in this past Saturday for our demo! We are looking for suggestions on other herbal topics for Rachel to teach- so leave some comments below on what you'd like to learn. 


Winter Tonic Cordial

½ cup rosehips

½ cup thinly sliced ginger

½ cup goji berries

⅛ cup cardamom pods- pounded a bit with the mortar and pestle to open them up

1 Tablespoon black pepper

1 small osha root



In a 1/2 gallon mason jar, add all of your herbs, then cover with brandy or spirits of choice. Replace lid and let steep for 2-3 weeks in a place out of direct sun or too much heat. Taste at 2 weeks to check the flavor, if you like it, strain it or keep it rolling. The longer the herbs sit in the spirits, the stronger the flavor will be. Once the cordial is at the desired flavor strength, strain out the herbs and add honey to taste. You can bottle this up and give it as prezzies! No need to refrigerate.