Winter Recipes

Looking for a good dose of herbal medicine for your winter woes? We feel you! Below are some of our founder and herbalist, Rachel's cornerstone potions for prevention and speedy recovery.
Sicky Syrup:
1 handful dried Astragalus roots
1 cup Rosehips
1 cup Goji berries
Small handful Osha root (about ½ as much as the astragalus)
¼ cup Cardamom seeds
2 whole oranges
Simmer the mixture in a big pot of water for at least 2 hours. Or slow cook overnight in your crockpot if you’re midwestern like that.
Meanwhile, juice or blend in a blender with just a bit of water to make a potent slurry:
2 handfuls of fresh ginger
1 handful fresh turmeric
2-3 whole lemons
Once the tea has cooled, mix in the juice. If you go the slurry route, strain the mixture through a cheesecloth lined sieve, squeezing out every last bit.
To this mixture of tea and juice, add honey to taste then bottle up. I also add a bit of brandy to extend the life of the syrup- it’s your call to do so or not. Keep refrigerated.
Take a shot glass full everyday to keep your system strong, more if you’re in the thick of a cold.
Varoom Vinegar
Throw in the blender:
3-5 cloves of garlic
A large piece of ginger, chopped
A large piece of turmeric, chopped
A piece of horseradish, chopped
1 or 2 whole oranges, lemons or mandarins
Pour in ACV a few inches over the herbs.
Blend the crap out of it. Strain. Save the remaining plant material for a future cracker recipe!
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