Cleanse with your Friends
We all love the unique abilities and qualities of our friends and go to them for different reasons, right? It’s the same way I think about Fat and the Moon potions- some I know will set me straight, others are like buckets of hugs.
Masa & Olive Face Paste:
This is the bud in your life you only talk to once or twice a year- but damn, she GETS you. You leave the convo feeling a deep love and sense of connection with said friend, and know you are a channel for the highest order of the universe. Her insights are like energetic windshield wipers: the dead bugs and exhaust of life get cleared and your view is clear!
Use the Masa & Olive Face Paste once or twice a week for cosmic exfoliation and invigoration, your skin will be polished AND nourished. Great for the build up of sweat and grime of the summer months and for shaking up the cold tendency leading to dryness and flakiness of the winter.

Light as a Featha Cleansa:
Think of that friend who between jaunts of traveling the world living out a backpack, somehow found an off grid yurt in the middle of town to call home. She’s radiantly minimal. Living simply is her art. Sacrifice isn’t part of her game. By having less, she has so much more.
With simple and nourishing ingredients, Light as a Featha Cleansa is a gentle polisher and cleanser for use on the daily. Especially recommended for folks with the highest order of skin sensitivity.

Moon Milk
You know that friend who just cultivates beauty? She loves a good art exhibition, and is perpetually rocking a dazzling lipstick. Dessert always follows a meal with this girl, and when she walks by, the air is scented with Rose. But she doesn’t just hang in the superficial wave lengths, her sensuousness is an expression of gratitude for the bounty, beauty and deep generosity of Mama Earth.
You already want to hang out with Moon Milk, don’t you? Well, I can’t blame you since she gently cleanses and pumps up the volume on your glow simultaneously. Soap free, your skin is cleansed while keeping moisture the priority.

Earth Polish
You call on this friend for her wisdom since she knows just how to keep the heart in a cold hard truth. You know she will let you know what’s up, but is SO on your team to figure out the pieces (of your shattered relationship/ego/Whole 30 diet).
Earth Polish is another gentle polisher, but with botanical muscle. Earth Polish contains plants which promote a balanced skin biom, and take the tooth right out of cell oxidation. For daily use for those with (no) problemo skin i.e. skin congestion and acne.
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