Zlata Baba

Zlata Baba, the Golden Hag of Slavic myth: she is sublime in her embodiment of the terrifying and brilliant aspects of Life. At times, she is the bringer of light in the power of tree-splitting lightning, at other times, through subtle shimmer that allows a potent glimpse of subtle forms. Zlata Baba is an oracle. She guides our hand in transforming the skills for survival into artful craft.
Zlata Baba illuminates connections between the human world and the cyclic ways of the natural world. As we receive the benefits of her wisdom, she must be honored with gifts. In this agreement lies one of her biggest teachings- reciprocity and balance. Give and receive, borrow and return, is the aerated flow of Life.
Zlata Baba is the title of our latest Lip Paint. Evoking her in the sacred realm of adornment, we align with her glimmer. Embedded within the metallic red depths of Zlata Baba is the Spirit Medicine of Yarrow. Yarrow supports us in knowing, and sometimes upholding the edges of our energetic membrane. Knowing our personal territory, our bounds, gives us an empowered self awareness.
Yarrow carries the astringent wisdom- the innate knowing of when to be permeable, and when to contract. Yarrow mirrors the teaching of Zlata Baba: in knowing where we end and someone else begins, we can relate consciously and with balance. Yarrow Spirit Medicine assists the chronic oversharer, the perpetual merger, the default therapiser, and the over-extender.
Zlata Baba isn’t just our latest Lip Paint, it comes as an announcement of the new IG branch of founder, Rachel Budde. @zlatababababa you will find her herbal, ethnobotanical research and musings i.e. the place she can fully, and unabashedly nerd out.