The celebration of Father’s Day and the pinnacle of the Sun’s radiance go together. Summer Solstice is the time to appreciate the life initiating masculine forces, that bright and hot yang energy.
Here are a few potions that honor that D.A.D. in your life.

Get that beard botanical-ed.

If your Pop likes a one stop shop, Moon Milk is for you. A cleanser AND light moisturizer in one. The perfect minimal maximal gift for Dad.

Our OG formulation has stood the test of time (10 years going strong!) so is a perfect potion to offer to Dad in his quest to care for his bod and the earth bod without being the stinkier for it!

Head to toe cleansing with the grassy, musky aroma of Clary Sage that transcends the gendering of scent. Excellent for the spectrum of hair types, the Shampoo Bar is one of the FM Coven faves.

Help dad keep his shoe ecosystem in talc free harmony with botanical besties that keep microbes running.
Other Faves for Dad
Sore Muscle Salve, Itch Mud, Bite and Burn Spray, Green Man Scented Balm, Aloe Lotion, Herbs the Word Mouthwash....heck, Dad would love the whole line.