Favorite Things 🎶

Dec 19, 2022
Marketing FM
Favorite Things 🎶
This year, these are a few of our favorite things….🎶
Performed by the one and only, Maddie, to the tune of  "My Favorite Things" from The Sound of Music


“Potions by witches and ( @fatandthemoon )

Handmade ceramics ( @eastforkpottery )

Small batch granola, ( @nanajoesgranola )

Sustainable fashion ( @nooworks )

Regenerative sources of spices and tea, ( @diasporaco )

These are a few of my favorite things

Non toxic bod care and ( @fatandthemoon )

Books about resting ( @thenapministry )

Indie-rock music ( @laluzband )

And coffee worth with testing ( @coppercowcoffee )

Sourdough loaves that are made gluten free, ( @breadsrsly )

These are a few of my favorite things!

Bright graphic tote bags ( @baggu )

And bedding with boobies ( @gravelandgoldsf )

Soft cotton undies, ( @shoparq )

Astrology Musings ( @jessica_lanyadoo )

Podcasts by sisters who share hopes and dreams ( @autumnmeghanbrown @adriennemareebrown )

These are a few of my favorite things

When I’m feeling, overwhelmed by, all the gifts to add,

I simply remember small ethical brands, and then I don’t feeeeel, so bad!”

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